(English post in the end)

本次讲座我们有幸邀请到青岛蔚蓝生物旗下营养与健康技术中心的首席科学家、泰山产业领军人才、青岛创业创新领军人才段治博士(之前丹麦哥本哈根大学食品系博士,哥大、DTU博后) 和大家分享了国内益生菌产业的现状以及国内益生菌领域的领先企业蔚蓝生物的发展情况,此外,作为海归在山东的高层次人才代表,段博士还和大家深入介绍了山东人才引进政策,干货满满!

The probiotic industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and China has also seen a emerging development in this area with a compound growth rate of 15% in recent years. It is estimated that the global probiotic industry will exceed 77 billion US dollars in 2025, and the Chinese market will account for more than 25%. The huge development space brings urgent demand for talents.
In this webinar, Dr. Zhi Duan, the chief scientist of Vland Biotech , meanwhile being Qingdao Entrepreneurial Innovation Leader, and Taishan Industrial Innovation Leader, who graduated with a PhD degree in Food Science from the University of Copenhagen, presented the China probiotic industry landscape and development outlook, in combination with Vland's position in the industry and its vision in future, in addition, as a representative of high-level talents returning to Shandong province, Dr. Duan also introduced Shandong’s talent introduction policy in depth, very informative and inspirational!
Chinese food professionals from Europe, China and other parts of the world joined this event, and exchanged opinion and asked questions to Dr. Duan with lots of good interactions.