(English post in the end)
由 "海外食品华人协会AOCFP" 与 "食品加" 联合推出的在线英文讲座- “作为食品业资深猎头,聊聊如何在北欧食品行业求职” 邀请了北欧食品行业最大的人力资源公司Foodjob Nordic合伙人Martin就这些问题进行了专业剖析。点击这里查看联合邀请函。
此次讲座的直播现场位于丹麦Aarhus的丹麦最大的食品农业产业园AgroFoodPark的Foodjob Nordic的总部会议室,下面带大家现场感受下直播现场:


We are very pleased to have Martin Guldsø Alsted, Senior Advisor & Partner of Foodjob Nordic as the speaker of our webinar.
Foodjob Nordic is the biggest human resource company in Scandinavia focus on food industry. It has successfully delivered nearly one thousand recruitment tasks since its establishment on 2010, and enjoys high reputation in the industry. Foodjob Nordic is part of the IFR-A – the International Food Recruitment Alliance – where European partners share knowledge, network and stay up-to-date with food market developments and the latest trends.
In this webinar, Martin shared his insights on some hot topics within Scandinavian job market, such as:
Food job market status and trend
Which academic and professional qualifications do the companies demand
What are the challenges being a foreigner and entering the Scandinavian labor market
Besides, Martin also shared some vacancies in his hand.
Agenda of webinar
13:00-13:10>> Introduction of Foodjob Nordic
13:10-13:25>> Food job market status and trend in Scandinavia
13:25-13:30>> 1st Q&A session
13:30-13:45>> Which academic and professional qualifications do the companies demand
13:45-14:00>> What are the challenges being a foreigner and entering the Scandinavian labor market
14:00-14:10>> 2nd Q&A session