(English post in the end)
· 希望你的研究成果在最广大的国内食品圈子得到展示吗?
· 希望结交同领域的学术同道吗?
· 希望找到您的研究成果的产业转化伯乐吗?
· 希望为以后回国发展铺路吗?

“海外食品华人协会” 和食品学术主流平台“食品加”深度合作、共同打造的 “海外食品学术速递” 让你的研究成果可以触达最广大的国内食品圈同行,被大家了解,增加你在食品圈子的知名度。
· “海外食品华人协会”的公众号、网站和领英平台
· “食品加”平台


“AOCFP Research Express” is a collaboration between AOCFP and Chinese food academic forum- Foodplus which owns more than 30,000 food audiences.
“AOCFP research Express” is a professional platform to demonstrate the newest research directions and fruits from Chinese research teams in global food academia, linking it and the global especially China food industry, to promote research to application transformation.
We welcome your submission describing on your study, once your submission has been qualified by “Search Express” , it will be adapted by our editor in accordance with the defined demonstration format, and be shown on below channels to get extensive exposure.
· Wechat, website and Linkedin account of AOCFP
· Foodplus platform