(English post in the end)

丹麦湖南总商会会长、Hyggegård A/S公司创始人之一、湖南北欧投资管理有限公司海外执行总裁肖灵艳女士和北欧链接公司总经理、哥本哈根商学院项目主管、丹麦湖南总商会及ACED协会副会长冯伟女士和我们分享了他们在丹麦的创业奋斗历程,以及如何在丹麦从无到有创立一家食品公司的宝贵经验。
How to start a food trading company in Denmark?
21 June CET 10:00-11:30
Denmark is an country with strong agricultural and food industry. As a national brand, Danish Food enjoys a high reputation in the world for its high quality and safety, and is increasingly known and accepted by Chinese consumers.
How to set up a food trading enterprise in Denmark to bring Danish high-quality food to China? This time we were honored to have two women entrepreneurs living in Denmark as our speakers to share their entrepreneurial story and experience in Denmark, and how to create a food trading company in Denmark from scratch:
Ms. Xiao Lingyan, president of Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Denmark, founder of Hyggegård A/S, the overseas chief representative of Hunan Nordic Investment Management Co., Ltd.,
Ms. Feng Wei, general manager of Nordic Links, the project director of the Copenhagen Business School, vice president of Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Denmark and Association of Chinese Experts in Denmark.